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Customer Service Standards

Quality Standards

We are committed to providing the highest in customer service standards. Our polices are designed to ensure our services are safe, reliable, confidential, flexible, and guided by customer preferences. Our polices ensure adherence to quality management systems, The National Disability Services Principles and Australian Travel Accreditation Scheme Code of Conduct.

National Standards for Disability Services


We respect and protect the human right to autonomous decision making, freedom of choice, the dignity of risk, personal privacy, and to be free from discrimination or harm.
We only collect information that is directly relevant to delivering our products and services. We will not disclose any personal information without consent unless otherwise required by law.

Participation and Inclusion

Our guests are supported to experience tourism services that are valued and similar to the experiences of the general community. We aim to deliver opportunities for participation and to enhance social outcomes. We actively promote whole of life design in tourism development.

Individual Outcomes

Guests receive personalised, individually tailored and flexible supports designed to enhance their holiday experiences by recognising and respecting personal choices, skills and abilities. Our services are designed with the guest, families, and other personal representatives to reflect individual goals and preferences.

Feedback and Complaints

Our service values the opportunity to improve our services by receiving feedback from our customers and guests. Each guest is free to provide any feedback, make complaint or raise any grievance they may have regarding our services or products. All complaints are dealt with respectfully, privately and in a clear timely manner and where the guest may nominate any person or advocate to represent them in the process

Service Access

Discovery Holidays is a consumer pays service that can be accessed by any adult wishing to purchase our holiday and guest services subject to available resources and appropriately skilled staff.

Service Management

We are committed to the delivery of quality services through participation in national accreditation programs, legislative compliance and the application quality management principles.